Award-winning author of middle-grade fantasy and young adult thrillers. Visit The Guardian Herd Book Series for pegasi fun and games! 2019/21 Literary Laureate, Healdsburg Literary Guild

Next Date: to be announced
Prize: Writing journal, book poster, stickers!
Send Your Art Here:
Past Giveaway Video
Exciting News!
I will be hosting random giveaways featuring a variety of Guardian Herd books, posters, ARC's, pegasus toys, t-shirts, book bags, character trading cards, and more!
Dates will be announced in my newsletter. Please scroll to bottom of page to sign up.
General Guidelines
Please create an original drawing, painting, sketch, video, song, scultpure, or FanFiction of a pegasus, your favorite Guardian Herd character, a scene from the book, or make up your own character or scene starring pegasi.
Art/Media is not judged!
Winners are drawn at random
Open to all ages
Open to residents of the United States.
No tracing!
Inappropriate Art/Media won't be accepted
Limit three entries per person
Open to U.S. addresses only
Entries are not returned. Jennifer Lynn Alvarez reserves the right to feature all Art/Media/FanFiction on her website and social media sites, including but not limited to: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Submitting art constitutes agreement with these conditions.
Winners can re-enter new art one year after winning. Rules subject to change. No purchase necessary.
Click to Meet the Guardian Herd Characters for Inspiration
Thank You for Entering!